Monday, March 31, 2014

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Overprotected Kid

The Atlantic's recent cover story is called "The Overprotected Kid," and it questions whether parents are harming their kids by protecting them from failure and not allowing them to take risks.  How does this article relate to your own experience of being a kid?  Have you been over-protected?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

What's with all these SAD books???

At some point in the year, my students always whined, "Ms. L, why is everything we read so SAD?"  Well, aside from the fact that I'm just one of those strange people who enjoys sad stories (they're so POWERFUL and they make me think about what it means to be human), here's an article from the New York Times Sunday Book Review that looks at happy books and sad books...

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Spread the Word to End the Word

Today is an great chance to pledge to stop using the word "retarded" as an insult.  It's a day of awareness, a time to think about how the words we use affect others.  So please, be intentional when you speak, and visit to add your name to the pledge!

Globalization: It's a small world after all!

 Scoop it:  GlobalizationCheck out these articles about globalization in Asia, and join the conversation in the comments below!